The Clathryn name

Derived from the word:

Clathrin [klath-rin]


noun Cell Biology.

a basketlike network of protein molecules that forms on the cell membrane in response to the attachment of ligands to receptors, and becomes the inside surface of the coated vesicle during endocytosis.

  • Vesicles are important for transporting nutrients and signals between and within cells.
  • Clathrin is involved in forming these ‘transport bubbles’ that originate from the cell membrane.
  • Hence, they are termed ‘clathrin coated pits‘.
  • Clathrin’s protein consists of 3 heavy chains and 3 light chains, forming a triskelion shape.
  • The ‘A’ and ‘Y’ in our logo resemble this shape.

‘Coat your pits with Clathryn.’

Why Choose Us

Authentic, handmade and natural. Clathryn will have you covered in all activities whether you are a weekend adventurer, novice gym go-er, pro snowboarder, cuddly netflix watcher or home workout freak. Ditch your dodgy deodorant and invest in yourself. What you put on your body ultimately effects your overall health and well-being.

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Science based fomulas


Formulated and produced in BC

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Founder of Clathryn Co.

Education: BMSc | Bachelor of Medical Science

Passion: for creating, fitness, improving self well-being, human physiology, science

Life motto: ‘health is wealth’

Favourite fruit: bananas

Goals: create a platform to educate on health preventative tips and provide products that encourage a long, happy life

Loves: travelling, being outside, dogs, sunshine

Wise words: remember to smile at the little things in life

Our Story

Clathryn all started with a funny science pun (explained above). This joke grew into an idea, which grew into an experiment, which grew into a stimulating hobby. The year of 2020 will be remembered as ‘boring’ to some, but for Clathryn it will be remembered as a time of discovery and oppurtunity. After many, many formulations, through trial and error, Clathryn created its first natural deodorant paste.


Cosmetic health research is a hot topic and studies are continuously linking certain ingredients to adverse heath effects and diseases. With a science mind and a family history of cancer, I am motivated to provide products that will benefit the body and also raise awareness to the benefits/harms of certain products that most of us use on the daily. Clathryn is built from a passion of empowering others to see what they can change to improve overall quality of life and health.